
This is not terribly well updated. For some more recent talks see the talk archives below right.

2014. Gaja Jarosz. Stochastic, Reward?Based Learning of Hidden Structure in Phonology. Paper presentation at 11th Meeting of the Old World Conference in Phonology, Leiden, Holland. Download Slides.

2012. Gaja Jarosz. Learning Phonology: Integrating Theoretical, Computational & Developmental Perspectives. Invited talk, Mayfest 2012: The Role of Computational Models in Linguistic Theory, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Download Slides

2012. Gaja Jarosz. Learning Hidden Structure in OT and HG. Invited talk, University of Massachusetts Linguistics Colloquium Series, Amherst, MA. Download Slides

2011. Gaja Jarosz, Shira Calamaro, & Jason Zentz. Measures of Frequency and the Acquisition of Syllable Structure in Polish. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Boston University Conference on Language DevelopmentDownload Poster

2010. Gaja Jarosz. The Roles of Phonotactics and Frequency in the Learning of Alternations. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Boston University Conference on Language DevelopmentDownload Slides

2010. Gaja Jarosz. Beyond Robust Interpretive Parsing for the Gradual Learning Algorithm. 4th Annual Northeast Computational Phonology Meeting, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA. Download Slides

2010. Gaja Jarosz. Pairwise Ranking Learning for Optimality Theory – the Hidden Structure Problem. 84th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, MD. Download Slides

2009. Gaja Jarosz. Naive Parameter Learning for Optimality Theory – the Hidden Structure Problem. 40th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Download Slides

2009. Gaja Jarosz. Learning Phonology with Stochastic Partial Orders. 3rd Annual Northeast Computational Phonology Meeting, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Download Slides

2009. Gaja Jarosz. Learning of Phonology: Integrating Developmental and Computational Perspectives. Invited talk, New York University Phonetics/Phonology Lab, New York, NY.

2009. Gaja Jarosz. Effects of lexical frequency and phonotactics on learning of morphophonological alternations. Talk presented at Learning meets Acquisition: the learnability of linguistic frameworks from formal and cognitive perspectives, Osnabrueck, Germany. Download Slides

2008. Gaja Jarosz and J. Alex Johnson. Comparing Phonotactic Cues to Word Boundaries in Three Languages. Talk at the Second Annual Meeting of the Northeast Computational Phonology Workshop, Yale, New Haven, Connecticut. Download Slides

2008. J. Alex Johnson, Ahmet Aktay, Dan McClory, & Gaja Jarosz. Exploring the Predictive Power of Distributional Cues to Word Boundaries in Three Languages. Poster presented at the 33rd AnnualBoston University Conference on Child Development.

2008. Gaja Jarosz. Online learning of phonology via Stochastic Partial Orders. Invited talk, Rutgers Optimality Research Group, New Brunswick, NJ. Download Slides

2008. Gaja Jarosz. Markedness and Probability in Phonological Learning. Invited ralk, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY.

2007. Gaja Jarosz. Deriving Phonological Acquisition Stages: the Roles of Markedness and Frequency. 1st Annual Meeting of the Northeast Computational Phonology Workshop, Amherst, MA.

2007. Gaja Jarosz. Restrictiveness in Phonological Grammar and Lexicon Learning. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Lingusitic Society, Chicago, Illinois. Download Handout

2006. Gaja Jarosz. Richness of the Base and Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning in Optimality Theory. Association for Computational Linguistics: Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Phonology, New York City, New York.

2006. Gaja Jarosz. Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning of Optimality Theoretic Grammars. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Old World Conference in Phonology, Budapest, Hungary.

2006. Gaja Jarosz. A Probabilistic Unsupervised Algorithm for Learning Optimality Theoretic Grammars.80th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2005. Gaja Jarosz. Partial Ranking and Alternating Vowels in Polish. 41st Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, Illinois.

2005. Gaja Jarosz. Polish Yers and the Finer Structure of Output-Output Correspondence. 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, California

2004. Gaja Jarosz. Separating Structure and Category Learning: A Model of Phrasal Categories. 78th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts.

2003. Gaja Jarosz. Modeling Variation in the Case Acquisition of Polish: Partial Ranking vs. Stochastic OT.7th Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

2003. Gaja Jarosz. Separating Structure and Category Learning: A Model of Phrasal Categories.Bootstrapping in Language Acquisition: Psychological, Linguistic, and Computational Aspects, Bloomington, Indiana.