
J. Li, X. Zhao, J.K. Brecht, S. Agehara. 2024. Effects of sunn hemp, vermicompost, and organic fertilizers on organic strawberry plant growth, fruit yield and quality. International Journal of Fruit Science. 24, 273-292.

J. Li, X. Zhao, J.K. Brecht, L.S. Bailey, J. Colee. 2024. Seaweed extract and microbial biostimulants show synergistic effects on organic strawberry production. HortScience. 59:1114–1126.

J. Li, A. Martin, L. Carver, S. Armstrong, S. Givens, K. Walters. 2024. Optimizing sowing density for parsley, cilantro, and sage in controlled environment production: balancing productivity and plant quality. HortTechnology. 34:305-312.

J. Li, X. Zhao, G.M. Landry, B.R. Paudel. 2021. Dynamics of soil nitrogen availability following sunn hemp residue incorporation in organic strawberry production systems. HortScience 56:138-146.

J. Li, X. Zhao, L.S. Bailey, M.N. Kamat, K.B. Basso. 2021. Identification and characterization of proteins, lipids, and metabolites of two organic fertilizer products derived from different nutrient sources. Applied Biological Chemistry. 64, 72.

S. Fan, F. Tian, J. Li, W. Hutchins, H. Chen, F. Yang, X. Yuan, Z. Cui, C.H. Yang, C. He. 2016. Identification of phenolic compounds that suppress the virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae on rice via the type III secretion system. Molecular Plant Pathology 18:555-568.