At the Noun Project: The Redefining Women Icon Collection.
Reminded me of Project #ShowUs, sponsored by Getty and Dove.
– a ground-breaking library of 5000+ photographs devoted to shattering beauty stereotypes by showing female-identifying and non-binary individuals as they are, not as others believe they should be.
More at — the “Repicture” section is pretty interesting: it contains a Disability collection (and other such projects) as well as Project #ShowUs.
… we have worked together to identify the types of images that perpetuate myths of people living with disabilities and have developed comprehensive set of guidelines for how to authentically reflect people with disabilities in photography, which was shared with Getty Images’ global network of photographers. The Disability Collection’s guidelines were developed through an inclusive process, where NDLA representatives considered key questions of representation such as: How do they want disability depicted? What kinds of situations should the photos document? How can photographers incorporate how disability intersects with race, ethnicity, or gender identity? [Related: More than able: challenging disability stereotypes]