Schedule of Events – Saturday, June 4, 2022
Click here for printable schedule.
You may view each presentation’s abstract by clicking on the title.
8:45 AM — Zoom Opens
9:00-9:10 AM — Opening Remarks
Professor Yuki Yoshimura, Japanese Language Program Director; East Asian Languages & Cultures, UMass Amherst
9:15-10:45 — Presentations: Session A
9:15-9:45 — Session A-1
Japanese learners’ acquisition of the Japanese “Chotto”
Shugo Tsuji, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences (??????)
9:45-10:15 — Session A-2
The influence of audiovisual materials on listening comprehension skills in learning Japanese as a foreign language
Kei Yamaguchi, Washington and Lee University
10:15-10:45 — Session A-3
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Joint Regional Study Groups Boston-New York
Kazuko Saito, City University of New York, Clarkstown Central SD, Tomoko Graham, Harvard University, Kazuo Tsuda, UNIS/NECTJ
9:15-10:45 — Presentations: Session B
9:15-9:45 — Session B-1
An Online Study Abroad Program: Limitations and Possibilities
Fumi Yamakawa, Otaru University of Commerce
9:45-10:15 — Session B-2
Preparing Students for the N1 Level Japanese Language Proficiency Test to Empower Their Future
Miharu Nittono, Columbia University
10:15-10:45 — Session B-3
A Study on the Effect of Interactive Activities between Japanese Language Learners and Native Speakers of Japanese in an Online Classroom
Shuichiro Takeda, New York University, J. Andras Molnar, Kinjo Gakuin University
10:45-11:00 — Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 — Keynote Speech
“Maximizing Study-Abroad: Students’ Interpersonal Connections and Social Interaction in Japan”
Dr. Atsushi Hasegawa, The University of Hawai’i M?noa
12:15-1:15 — Lunch Break
1:15-2:45 — Presentations: Session A
1:15-1:45 — Session A-4
Enhancing Japanese Language Education in Ukraine
Yasunori Fujisaki, Japan Foundation?Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris
1:45-2:15 — Session A-5
Grammaticalization of sugiru: the new usage as an intensifier in Japanese Youtube comments
Yan Wang, Carthage College
2:15-2:45 — Session A-6
Welcome to Sashimi Street: Creating a more resilient and resourceful class by teaching Japanese with a YouTube Channel (
Timothy Nagaoka, Boston Public Schools
1:15-2:45 — Presentations: Session B
1:15-1:45 — Session B-4
U.S.-Japan University Virtual Language Tables: Towards Collaborative Language Activities Outside of the Classroom
Chizuko Wallestad, Osaka Metropolitan University; Mitsuaki Shimojo, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Akemi Sakamoto Isselbaecher, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
1:45-2:15 — Session B-5
Myeongok Lee, Boston University
2:15-2:45 — Session B-6
Introducing an intervention to develop Japanese language learners’ awareness of gender diversity
Aya Yamakawa, Brown University
2:45-3:00 — Coffee Break
3:00-4:00 — Presentations: Session A
3:00-3:30 — Session A-7
Current Status, Significance, and Future Possibilities of Four-Character Phonetic Education for Non-Kanji Area Learners
Yasuo Shimizu, Doshisha University (?????)
3:30-4:00 — Session A-8
Jae DiBello Takeuchi, Clemson University
3:00-4:00 — Presentations: Session B
3:00-3:30 — Session B-7
Naomi Asakura, Harvard University; Miki Miyagawa, Harvard University
3:30-4:00 — Session B-8
Seeking answers to “What my Advanced Japanese course should aim for? “
Sachiko Hiramatsu, Brown University
4:05-4:20 — Closing Remarks
Professor Amanda C. Seaman, Japanese Program Director,
East Asian Languages & Cultures, UMass Amherst
4:25-5:00 — Happy Hour