The University of Massachusetts Amherst


Dr. Atsushi Hasegawa

Assistant Professor of Japanese Languages and Linguistics

Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures

The University of Hawai’i M?noa

About Dr. Hasegawa

Dr. Atsushi Hasegawa is an Assistant Professor of Japanese Language and Linguistics at the University of Hawai’i at M?noa. He received his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2010. He has been teaching Japanese language, pedagogy, and linguistics for over 20 years at institutions including Purdue University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Middlebury College, New York University, and the University of Kentucky, as well as the University of Hawai’i. His research interests include language pedagogy, classroom interaction, and language socialization in various multilingual contexts. He has published numerous papers and book chapters on such topics as study-abroad, classroom SLA, and Japanese pedagogy. In 2019, he published a book, The social lives of study abroad: Understanding second language learners’ experiences through social network analysis and conversation analysis (Routledge).

Abstract of Keynote Speech



“Maximizing Study-Abroad: Students’ Interpersonal Connections and Social Interaction in Japan”


See the presentation slide


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