The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Submit Abstract

**The abstract submission period has concluded. Thank you to all who have submitted abstracts for consideration.

We invite presentations on topics related to Japanese language education (e.g., linguistics, second language acquisition, and pedagogical innovations, among others).

Presenters will have 20 minutes for their presentation followed by a 5-minute question and answer period.  

Presentations will be live via Zoom.

Please note that we are not accepting prerecorded presentations.

Format of the abstract:

  • Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format only.
  • No more than 300 words in English or 700 characters in Japanese.
  • File-naming instructions: Your name should not appear on the abstract itself (only the title and contents should appear on the abstract document). The filename of the document should be “(First name)(Last name)_abstract.file-type”.
    • JamesSmith_abstract.doc; or
    • JamesSmith_abstract.pdf
  • Please note that an abstract should be written in the same language as the one used in the presentation.
  • Submissions are limited to one abstract per person, as either single or joint author.