Well, we made it through the mid-term more or less intact. Congratulations on all your hard work.
Your reward? Yikes, more hard work……. sorry, the professors union makes us do that…..
I just posted Assignment 4 on the website, an exercise in calculating body segment parameters from different sources as shown in the Robertson textbook. It is due to be handed in next Thursday, October 30 in class. We will be starting the next section on Kinetics in class on Tuesday … please read Chapter 4 (Forces and Their Measurement, pp 73 to 102) and Chapter 5 (Two-dimensional Inverse Dynamics, pp 103 to 123) of the Robertson text to get us started. This should be easier reading than the 3D kinematics or anthropometrics chapters, as you all have some background in mechanics, Newton’s Laws and in most cases, undergraduate biomechanics…… at least some of this will be review for you.
So have a great weekend, and we will see you in class on Tuesday. We should have notes and slides to post early next week.