The University of Massachusetts Amherst

News for November 21 – Weekend before Turkey

Next week is a shortie ….. class on Tuesday only, with Thursday reserved for family, turkey and perhaps pumpkin pie. On Tuesday we will continue talking about mechanical energy and mechanical power models for estimating mechanical work. Be sure to look carefully at the Robertson & Winter (1980) paper, as it thoroughly explains the mechanical power method. We will also be looking at an extension of this method through the Caldwell & Forrester (1992) paper.

On the website I posted the Answer Key to Assignment 6, AND the newly minted Assignment 7.  Assignment 7 is the third in the series of joint moment calculations, with this version incorporating Ground Reaction Forces in the foot model…. again this is an extension of the last assignment, so you should be getting the hang of these calculations by now. Assignment 7 will be due in class on the Tuesday AFTER Thanksgiving, but if you wish you can do it this weekend and get it out of the way.

Cheers, have a great weekend.

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