Hi Kin 530 …. we are definitely in the home stretch of the semester now. On Thursday we will finish the Energy, Power & Work section by talking more about the Aleshinsky power model as laid out in the Caldwell & Forrester (1992) paper. Also, as I mentioned in class yesterday, a new revised set of slides for Energy, Power & Work has been posted on the website.
After finishing the C&F paper, we will introduce the LAST section for the semester on Modeling, which will be the subject of the last two classes next Tuesday and Thursday (December 9 and 11). Readings for the Modeling section include Chapter 10 of the Robertson textbook (pp 211 to 225), and papers by Derrick et al (2000) and Selbie & Caldwell (1996). These latter 2 papers are also posted on the Kin 530 website.
Finally, don’t forget that the Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 16 at 1:30 PM in Morrill 1, Room N321.