The University of Massachusetts Amherst

November 5 – Post-election post?

A number of Kin 530 news tidbits today, starting with the great news from last night: the Kinesiology grad student flag football team won the Fall 2008 intramural championship! This powerful squad includes several current and former Kin 530 students. Excellent work, I’m not sure why it wasn’t on the TV news last night at 11.

I have finished grading Assignment 4, which I’ll hand back in class tomorrow. The Answer Key is posted on the website. Note that I found an error in the Robertson textbook that caused several people to get the wrong answer in one question (equation 3.18 on page 65 should say Rproximal instead of Kproximal); be assured that no one lost points for the textbook error. Also on the website is Assignment 5, which requires the calculation of static joint moments at the ankle and knee. It will be due in class next week (we can discuss Tuesday versus Thursday in class tomorrow).

We have also posted a new version of the Kinetics slides (cleverly called “Kinetics -Version 2”), one that includes both updated slides from the previously posted “Kinetics – Part 1” AND new slides. The new content is at the end of this file (slides 57-81), but there are also changes to the older material: the addition of slides 24 and 25, and some new material on slide 43 (slide numbers are from the new PDF). Anyone who printed out the slides from part 1, you only need to print out slides 24, 25, and 43 from “Kinetics -Version 2”, plus slides 57-81, which is the new material. I left the older Part 1 file on the website for those that wish to compare…….

Finally, be sure to read the Umberger (2008) paper for tomorrow, and re-read the Cavanagh & Gregor (1975) paper to be sure you understand the points that Brian was stressing yesterday in class. See you in class tomorrow.

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