The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Reading for Thursday, Feb. 2

Hi Kin 535,

Hope you enjoyed today’s class, and are showing your friends your nifty new series elastic component.  For Thursday class, please read:

Caldwell, 2004:  pp 183-184, 187-188, 190-193

This is a chapter from the Robertson et al., 2004 textbook. In later classes we will read other sections of the chapter. You will find it under the Hill sub-heading in the Reading section.

See you on Thursday.


Weekend Reading

Hi Kin 535,

Some more great readings for the weekend to keep you busy….

 Wilkie Chapter 4 pp 26 to 32

 McMahon Chapter 1 pp 3 to 8

 Nigg & Herzog Chapter 2.5 pp 154 to 167


I also found another website with a good muscle reading that looks like a good resource, although I don’t like the title:


I should have slides for next Tuesday posted by Monday night.  Also, don’t forget to think about why the isometric twitch and tetanus force responses look they way they do, that’s where we will start on Tuesday.



Spring 2012 is off and running

Hi and welcome to Kin 535. Hope you enjoyed today’s lecture, and are finding your way around both the Kin 535 blog and website. Undoubtedly you have checked out the website and the link to reading material. For Thursday you should get started on some of the readings on Basic Anatomy & Physiology, specifically:

Lieber, Chapter 1 pp 16 to 32

Lieber, Chapter 2 pp 49 to 54

Wilkie, Chapters 1, 2, & 3

Happy reading, see you on Thursday…. Dr. C


Welcome to Kin 535 Spring 2012

Welcome to the course blog for Kin 535.  Check here regularly for news about the class. There is also a class website that will give you access to other information, such as class readings; there is a link to the website on the right hand side column of this blog.  See you  in class on the first day, Tuesday, January 24.