The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Leap Day Update

Happy Leap Day,

As promised yesterday in class, I have installed a new computer in the Biomechanics Lab with MatLab7 and MusMod2006 on it. The computer is located on the “wall” of computers on your left (up a couple of steps) as you enter the lab. The computer has a sticky note on it saying Kin 535, and it is the 2nd machine from the left, next to an older computer called “Hill”.

I also added some things to the Kin 535 website:

1. A copy of the Lab 1 handout from yesterday.

2. An “instruction” sheet for MusMod2006 that tells you more about how to run the program in the lab, or how to get the files to run in MatLab on your own computer.

3. A zip file with the MusMod2006 files that you will need if you wish to run it in MatLab on your own computer.

Try to check this out before class tomorrow so we can deal with any issues or confusion before the weekend.

Thanks, enjoy the snow and I will see you in class tomorrow.

Dr. C.


Friday Feb 24th Update

Hi Kin 535,

Well I am sure you are all excited that next week you will be introduced to MusMod2006, a MatLab-based Hill muscle model.  To get ready for this event, check out the following readings under the Hill Model section on the website Reading Materials page:

Rothwell, 1987  Chapter 2

Lieber, 1992  Chapter 3

And if you are interested in how the muscle model algorithm in MusMod2006 is designed, read about  it on pages 194-196 in the Caldwell, 2004 chapter from the Robertson et al. textbook.

See you on Tuesday.

Dr. C.


Kin 535 Friday Feb 17 Update

Hi Kin 535,

There are a few things that you should read before Tuesday’s class. The following readings pertain to the CC and its 4 properties, FL, FV, SA, and FA. They can be found in the More CC section of the website Reading Materials page. We will continue discussing these properties on Tuesday.

  • Lieber, 1992 Chapter 2 pp 54 to 63
  • Chow & Darling, 1999
  • Enoka, 1994 Chapter 6

The other readings pertain to our next topic, the Series Elastic Component. I suspect we will start this on Tuesday and finish on Thursday. They can be found in the SEC Force Extension section on the website.

  • Bahler, 1967
  • Kawakami & Lieber, 2000

Finally, to self-critique your own progress, by the end of next week you should feel pretty comfortable with the first section of my chapter in the Robertson book, which you have already read at least in part:

  • Caldwell, 2004 pp 183-196

I’ll post the SEC slides for Tuesday/Thursday soon. Have a great weekend.

Dr. C.


Kin 535 Update – Friday, Feb. 10

Hi Kin 535,

For next Tuesday, please read the 1966 paper by Gordon, Huxley & Julian on the Force-Length relationship. This is another classic paper, and its results form the cornerstone of the sliding filament theory of muscular force production. It can be found under the CC Force Length section of the Reading Materials page on the Kin 535 website.

See you Tuesday in class. Cheers, Dr. C


Wednesday Feb 8

Hi Kin 535,

Just a heads-up that I posted the next set of slides for tomorrow’s class… we will be discussing the Edman 1988 and Wilkie 1950 papers.

See you in class tomorrow….. Dr. C.


How about that Active State?

Another fun Thursday afternoon class. Be sure to remember the definition of Active State and what it means ….. how much force the CC can produce if it were isometric. But why does the muscle produce different amounts of force (as in the twitch and tetanus) when the CC is not isometric?

Readings for the weekend:

Edman (1988)

Wilkie (1950)

Caldwell (2004) pp 183 to 193

The Edman and Wilkie papers are listed under CC Force Velocity, and the Caldwell 2004 chapter you already have from the last post.

See you next week…. have fun Superbowling…..

Dr. C