Happy Leap Day,
As promised yesterday in class, I have installed a new computer in the Biomechanics Lab with MatLab7 and MusMod2006 on it. The computer is located on the “wall” of computers on your left (up a couple of steps) as you enter the lab. The computer has a sticky note on it saying Kin 535, and it is the 2nd machine from the left, next to an older computer called “Hill”.
I also added some things to the Kin 535 website:
1. A copy of the Lab 1 handout from yesterday.
2. An “instruction” sheet for MusMod2006 that tells you more about how to run the program in the lab, or how to get the files to run in MatLab on your own computer.
3. A zip file with the MusMod2006 files that you will need if you wish to run it in MatLab on your own computer.
Try to check this out before class tomorrow so we can deal with any issues or confusion before the weekend.
Thanks, enjoy the snow and I will see you in class tomorrow.
Dr. C.