The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Friday March 30 Update

Kin 535,

Next week’s activities will include

1. Tuesday, we will finish the Hof et al., 2002 paper. When you read it, pay special attention to understanding Figure 1, and Figures 2, 3 and 4. Note also how the data in Table 2 relate to the images in Figures 3 and 4.  Understanding these items is critical to understanding all the figures that follow, and the rest of the data in Table 2.

2. Thursday, we will start a section on examining muscle properties and estimating muscle model parameters in humans. Read the Hasson et al. 2011 and Hasson & Caldwell, 2012 papers before Thursday to prepare for this section.

3. Remember, the (new, revised) due date for the 2nd computer MusMod2006 lab is Thursday, April 12.

Thanks, have a great weekend.     …….. Dr. C.



Wednesday March 28 Update

Hi Kin 535,

My apologies for not having the slides from yesterday’s class posted before now. I just added them to the website, along with a few new readings that we will be getting to soon. I need to do a bit more work on some slides for Thursday and next week, but will be posting those later today too.

So, for Thursday we will

1. finish the Bobbert & Ingen Schenau 1990 paper on isovelocity plantarflexion (get the slides, read the paper);

2. start a discussion of the Hof et al., 2002 paper (read the paper, get the slides when I post them later today); note that the Hof 1998 paper that is also posted contains background information on how he obtained SEC parameters for the triceps surae model used in the 2002 paper (read it if you have the time, or on the weekend if not enough time before Thursday).

3. re-visit the due date for the 2nd MusMod2006 lab.

See you in class tomorrow…… Dr. C.


Spring Break 2012

Hi Kin 535,

Beauty weather here in the valley for Spring Break, hope the same is true wherever you are.

For next week, read the Bobbert & Ingen Schenau (1990) paper that is posted on the 535 website. This is the follow-up to the jumping paper we looked at last week, this time concerning muscle modeling during isovelocity plantarflexion on a dynamometer.

You should also start working on the 2nd computer muscle model lab, also posted on the website. We can discuss a due date next week in class.


Dr. C.


Friday March 9 Update

Kin 535,

Two reminders for today:

1. Computer Lab #1 using MusMod2006 is due on Tuesday in class. Good luck in completing the lab, and a heads-up that Lab #2 is on the way……

2. Next week we will discuss the Bobbert et al. (1986) paper that is listed under Applications of Hill Models on the website Reading Materials page. Please read the paper in depth before Tuesday, and pay careful attention to how the authors came up with the parameters for the Hill muscle models that represent the gastrocnemius and soleus.

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you in class on Tuesday.


Dr. C.


Friday March 2 2012 Update

Hi Kin 535,

There are a variety of topics in today’s blog:

1. The Final Exam schedule is out, and the Kin 535 exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 3 at 8:00 AM in Totman 153. Note that I have ZERO input on the date and time (i.e. I don’t like 8 AM any better than you do….).

2. As I mentioned yesterday in class, there are 2 readings associated with the linear muscle modeling. The first is a viscoelasticity chapter (listed under Rheological Modeling), and the 2nd (for those interested) is a more detailed look at the mathematics behind the exponential equation for F(t) …  (listed under Hill Model).

3. Next week we will start a section on muscle architecture and how the Hill model can be used to represent specific muscles within a musculoskeletal model. For example, what do we need to consider to build a model of ankle joint function where we use Hill models to represent the soleus, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior? There are several sections of the Lieber (1992) textbook that speak to this issue, but they are spread across the first 3 chapters.  For Tuesday, read the following:

Lieber (1992) Chapter 1: pp 32-46

Lieber (1992) Chapter 2: pp 67-70; 82-84

Lieber (1992) Chapter 3

3. Hopefully everyone is up and running on the computer model, so please start working on Lab 1 right away. The lab is due on Tuesday, March 13, but it is not something you can complete in one night (say, between 9 and 10 PM on March 12th). You will need time to get used to the model interface, time to run the various experimental conditions, time to export the data into a spreadsheet to make the graphs, time to answer the questions, and time to pull it all together when the printer decides not to work correctly or runs out of ink.  Best advice I can give you is to start this weekend.


Dr. C.