Hi Kin 535,
There are a few things that you should read before Tuesday’s class. The following readings pertain to the CC and its 4 properties, FL, FV, SA, and FA. They can be found in the More CC section of the website Reading Materials page. We will continue discussing these properties on Tuesday.
- Lieber, 1992 Chapter 2 pp 54 to 63
- Chow & Darling, 1999
- Enoka, 1994 Chapter 6
The other readings pertain to our next topic, the Series Elastic Component. I suspect we will start this on Tuesday and finish on Thursday. They can be found in the SEC Force Extension section on the website.
- Bahler, 1967
- Kawakami & Lieber, 2000
Finally, to self-critique your own progress, by the end of next week you should feel pretty comfortable with the first section of my chapter in the Robertson book, which you have already read at least in part:
- Caldwell, 2004 pp 183-196
I’ll post the SEC slides for Tuesday/Thursday soon. Have a great weekend.
Dr. C.