This site documents the range of activities and initiatives in celebration of Angelika Kratzer on the occasion of her retirement from the Linguistics Department at UMass Amherst and of her 70th birthday.
There were two days of Festivities (March 9-10). Still under construction is a permanent FestSite (with greetings, photos, reminiscences, squibs, whatever), and there will also be a Festschrift edited by Rajesh Bhatt, Ilaria Frana, and Paula Menéndez-Benito, with a cover design by Orin Percus.
Following department tradition, we started a fundraiser among friends, colleagues, and former students for a cause close to Angelika’s heart. Angelika’s designated FestFund is the Sophie O’Brian Scholarship Fund. Contributions are still most welcome. To donate to the Sophie O’Brian Scholarship Fund, you can follow this link. Here is more information about the fund and its name.
Lisa Green and Lisa Selkirk