Prenatal dance activity enhances foetal and postnatal cognitive and motor development

Beatrix Bánkyné Perjés has a new article, Prenatal dance activity enhances foetal and postnatal cognitive and motor development, published in Physiology International. Bánkyné Perjés, B., Mátrai, G., Nagy, B., Erdei, D., Makai, A., Prémusz, V., Kovács, K. A., & Bódis, J. (2022). Prenatal dance activity enhances foetal and postnatal cognitive and motor development. Physiology International. […]

Effects of creative dance on functional capacity, pulmonary function, balance, and cognition in COPD patients: A randomized controlled trial

Meltem Kaya has a new article, Effects of creative dance on functional capacity, pulmonary function, balance, and cognition in COPD patients: A randomized controlled trial, published in Heart & Lung. Kaya, M., Gurses, H. N., Ucgun, H., & Okyaltirik, F. (2023). Effects of creative dance on functional capacity, pulmonary function, balance, and cognition in COPD […]

The Relationship between Executive Functions and Dance Classes in Preschool Age Children

Elena Chichinina has a new article, The Relationship between Executive Functions and Dance Classes in Preschool Age Children, published in Education Sciences. Chichinina, E., Bukhalenkova, D., Tvardovskaya, A., Semyonov, Y., Gavrilova, M., & Almazova, O. (2022). The Relationship between Executive Functions and Dance Classes in Preschool Age Children. Education Sciences, 12(11), 788. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

gravity Volume 2, Issue 3: publication highlights

This summer, the dance science community published a number of ground-breaking new studies, with 39 articles on dance, science, health and technology featured on gravity! Benferhat, S., Bouraoui, Z., Ma, T.-T., & Tabia, K. (2022). Representing Vietnamese Traditional Dances and?Handling Inconsistent Information. In D. Ciucci, I. Couso, J. Medina, D. ?l?zak, D. Petturiti, B. Bouchon-Meunier, & […]

“Out and proud…. in all your shaking glory” the wellbeing impact of a dance program with public dance performance for people with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study

Suzanne J. Carroll has a new article, “Out and proud…. in all your shaking glory” the wellbeing impact of a dance program with public dance performance for people with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study, published in Disability and Rehabilitation. Carroll, S. J., Dale, M. J., & Bail, K. (2022). “Out and proud…. in all your […]

Dance Interventions as Non-Pharmacological Strategiesfor the Treatment of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Komanthi Kouloutbani has a new article, Dance Interventions as Non-Pharmacological Strategiesfor the Treatment of Dementia andMild Cognitive Impairment, published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Kouloutbani, K., Venetsanou, F., Karteroliotis, K. (2021). Dance Interventions as Non-Pharmacological Strategiesfor the Treatment of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 11(10), […]

Analysis on the plié and grand plié in classical ballet with magneto-inertial measurement units

Davide Paloschi has a new article, Analysis on the plié and grand plié in classical ballet with magneto-inertial measurement units, published in 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (MetroInd4.0&IoT). Paloschi, D., Cigada, M., Ballone, S., de Bartolomeo, O., Cigada, A., & Saccomandi, P. (2022). Analysis on the plié and grand […]

Application of Response Surface Methodology in Dance Health and Training Safety

Yu Zhang has a new article, Application of Response Surface Methodology in Dance Health and Training Safety, published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Zhang, Y. (2022). Application of Response Surface Methodology in Dance Health and Training Safety. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 9818664. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Dance Action Generation Model Based on Recurrent Neural Network

Xuan Ma has a new article, Dance Action Generation Model Based on Recurrent Neural Network, published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Ma, X., & Wang, K. (2022). Dance Action Generation Model Based on Recurrent Neural Network. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 8455961. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

The association between ballroom dance training and empathic concern: Behavioral and brain evidence

Xiao Wu has a new article, The association between ballroom dance training and empathic concern: Behavioral and brain evidence, published in Human Brain Mapping. Wu, X., Lu, X., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Kong, Y., & Hu, L. (2022). The association between ballroom dance training and empathic concern: Behavioral and brain evidence. Human Brain Mapping. […]