Effect of 3-Month Aerobic Dance on Hippocampal Volume and Cognition in Elderly People With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Yi Zhu has a new article, Effect of 3-Month Aerobic Dance on Hippocampal Volume and Cognition in Elderly People With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial, published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Zhu, Y., Gao, Y., Guo, C., Qi, M., Xiao, M., Wu, H., Ma, J., Zhong, Q., Ding, H., Zhou, Q., Ali, […]

Effects of Dance Interventions on Cognition, Psycho-Behavioral Symptoms, Motor Functions, and Quality of Life in Older Adult Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Chang Liu has a new article, Effects of Dance Interventions on Cognition, Psycho-Behavioral Symptoms, Motor Functions, and Quality of Life in Older Adult Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review, published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Liu, C. , Su, M., Jiao. Y., Ji. Y. , and Zhu. S. (2021). Effects of […]

Recognizing Solo Jazz Dance Moves Using a Single Leg-Attached Inertial Wearable Device

Sara Stan?in has a new article, Recognizing Solo Jazz Dance Moves Using a Single Leg-Attached Inertial Wearable Device, published in Sensors. Stan?in, S., & Tomaži?, S. (2022). Recognizing Solo Jazz Dance Moves Using a Single Leg-Attached Inertial Wearable Device. Sensors, 22(7), 2446. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22072446 Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Physical Education Provision in Schools. A Role for Dance

Dan Tao has a new article, Physical Education Provision in Schools. A Role for Dance, published in PAAH Physical Activity and Health. Tao, D., Gao, Y., Li, F., Liang, W., Jiao, J., Huang, W., Supriya, R., & Baker, J. (2022). Physical Education Provision in Schools. A Role for Dance. Physical Activity and Health, 6(1), 38–41. […]

A Dance Somersault Pose Recognition Model Using Multifeature Fusion Algorithm

Li Kang has a new article, A Dance Somersault Pose Recognition Model Using Multifeature Fusion Algorithm, published in Mobile Information Systems. Kang, L. (2022). A Dance Somersault Pose Recognition Model Using Multifeature Fusion Algorithm. Mobile Information Systems, 2022, 3034663. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3034663 Contributor: LAB:SYNC