Aesthetic Index Analysis of Fusion of Folk Martial Arts and Dance Based on Deep Learning Algorithm

Yaqing Wei has a new article, Aesthetic Index Analysis of Fusion of Folk Martial Arts and Dance Based on Deep Learning Algorithm, published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Wei, Y., & Huang, Z. (2022). Aesthetic Index Analysis of Fusion of Folk Martial Arts and Dance Based on Deep Learning Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, […]

LAB:SYNC in The Magazine of the University of Massachusetts Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst made mention of LAB:SYNC and its research on dance and health as an NEA Research Lab in a recent story released by UMass Magazine.  [Read more…]

Recognition Method of Matching Error between Dance Action and Music Beat Based on Data Mining

Ying Zhu has a new article, Recognition Method of Matching Error between Dance Action and Music Beat Based on Data Mining, published in Security and Communication Networks. Zhu, Y. (2022). Recognition Method of Matching Error between Dance Action and Music Beat Based on Data Mining. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 8176863. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Interatter Reliability E-Assessment-Based Dance Practice Assessment

Dinny Devi Triana has a new article, Interatter Reliability E-Assessment-Based Dance Practice Assessment, published in Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice. Triana, D. D., Yudha, R. P., & Salman, I. (2021). Interatter Reliability E-Assessment-Based Dance Practice Assessment. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 21(4), 155–164. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Assessment of Physical Activity Using Pedometers in a Structured Greek Traditional Dance Session in Adults: A Pilot Study

Ioannis A. Pappas has a new article, Assessment of Physical Activity Using Pedometers in a Structured Greek Traditional Dance Session in Adults: A Pilot Study, published in the Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education. Pappas, I. A., Monastiridi, S. G., Argiriadou, E., & Lourenço, C. C. v. (2022). Assessment of Physical Activity Using […]

Depth based Indian Classical Dance Mudra’s Recognition using Support Vector Machine

D. Arpitha has a new article, Depth based Indian Classical Dance Mudra’s Recognition using Support Vector Machine, published in 2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). Arpitha, D., Balasubrahmanyam, M., & Kumar, D. A. (2022). Depth based Indian Classical Dance Mudra’s Recognition using Support Vector Machine. 2022 4th International Conference on […]

The acceptability and effect of a culturally-tailored dance intervention to promote physical activity in women of South Asian origin at risk of diabetes in the Netherlands—A mixed-methods feasibility study

Erik Beune has a new article, The acceptability and effect of a culturally-tailored dance intervention to promote physical activity in women of South Asian origin at risk of diabetes in the Netherlands—A mixed-methods feasibility study, published in PLoS One. Beune, E., Muilwijk, M., Jelsma, J., van Valkengoed, I., Teitsma-jansen, A., Kumar, B., Diaz, E., Gill, […]

Evidence of religious/spiritual singing and movement in mental health: A systematic review

Shikha Malviya has a new article, Evidence of religious/spiritual singing and movement in mental health: A systematic review, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Malviya, S., Zupan, B., & Meredith, P. (2022). Evidence of religious/spiritual singing and movement in mental health: A systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 47, 101567. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Classification of Indian Classical Dance Hand Gestures: A Dense SIFT Based Approach

R. Jisha Raj has a new article, Classification of Indian Classical Dance Hand Gestures: A Dense SIFT Based Approach, published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Technologies. Jisha Raj, R., Dharan, S., & Sunil, T. T. (2022). Classification of Indian Classical Dance Hand Gestures: A Dense SIFT Based Approach. Proceedings of […]

Deep Learning for Dance Teaching System

Yingyi Xu has a new article, Deep Learning for Dance Teaching System, published in Innovative Computing. Xu, Y. (2022). Deep Learning for Dance Teaching System. Innovative Computing, 1577–1581. Contributor: LAB:SYNC