Katsunari Sato has a new article, Effects of dance video game training on cognitive functions of community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment, published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. Sato, K., Ochi, A., Watanabe, K., & Yamada, K. (2023). Effects of dance video game training on cognitive functions of community-dwelling older adults with mild […]
Author: kileybaker
Jiwon Kang has a new article, Dancing on the inside: A qualitative study on online dance learning with teacher-AI cooperation, published in Education and Information Technologies. Kang, J., Kang, C., Yoon, J., Ji, H., Li, T., Moon, H., Ko, M., & Han, J. (2023). Dancing on the inside: A qualitative study on online dance learning […]
Yi Wang has a new article, Pilot testing of a simplified dance intervention for cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lipids in obese older women, published in Geriatric Nursing. Wang, Y., Liu, L., Chen, Q., Chen, Y., & Lam, W.-K. (2023). Pilot testing of a simplified dance intervention for cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lipids in obese older […]
Niveditha Parthasarathy has a new article, Novel Video Benchmark Dataset Generation and Real-Time Recognition of Symbolic Hand Gestures in Indian Dance Applying Deep Learning Techniques, published in Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. Parthasarathy, N., & Palanichamy, Y. (2023). Novel Video Benchmark Dataset Generation and Real-Time Recognition of Symbolic Hand Gestures in Indian Dance Applying […]
Simone Sistarelli has a new article, Effects of Popping For Parkinson’s dance class on the mood of people with Parkinson’s disease, published in International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. Sistarelli, S., Annett, L. E., & Lovatt, P. J. (2023). Effects of Popping For Parkinson’s dance class on the mood of people with Parkinson’s disease. International […]
Jeehyun Joung has a new article, Comparison of Audiovisual Components of Dance in Novices and Experts’ Aesthetic Interest Perceptions, published in Empirical Studies of the Arts. Joung, J., & Kim, J. (2023). Comparison of Audiovisual Components of Dance in Novices and Experts’ Aesthetic Interest Perceptions. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 02762374231152775. https://doi.org/10.1177/02762374231152775 Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Olga Ka?u?ny has a new article, The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities – pilot study, published in Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. Ka?u?ny, O. (2023). The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities – pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, […]
***Are you a performing artist and an athlete (dancer, circus artist, gymnast, figure skater, etc.) over the age of 18 located in North America? If so, you are eligible to participate!*** This research aims to create an assessment evaluating the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions contributing to mental wellness and high performance in artistic athletes. Participants will […]
This fall, the dance science community published a number of ground-breaking new studies, with 24 articles on dance, science, health and technology featured on gravity! Alfiero, C. J., Brown, A. F., Chun, Y., Holmes, A., & Bailey, J. P. (2022). The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and Landing Mechanics in Collegiate Dancers. […]
Ellis Martin-Wylie has a new article, Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: an arts-informed photo-elicitation study, published in Arts & Health. Martin-Wylie, E., Urmston, E., & Redding, E. (2022). Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: an arts-informed photo-elicitation study. Arts & Health, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/17533015.2022.2156562 Contributor: LAB:SYNC