Corinne Jola has a new article, Benefits of dance for Parkinson’s: The music, the moves, and the company, published in PLOS ONE. Jola, C., Sundström, M., & McLeod, J. (2022). Benefits of dance for Parkinson’s: The music, the moves, and the company. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0265921-. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Author: kileybaker
Georgios Lykesas has a new article, Reviewing Available Online Publications on the Effect of Dance on the Physical and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, published in Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine. Lykesas, G., Chatzopoulos, D., ?eratzoula, V., Nikolaki, E., Douka, S., & Bakirtzoglou, P. (2022). Reviewing Available Online Publications on the […]
Judith Bek has a new article, Moving online: Experiences and potential benefits of digital dance for older adults and people with Parkinson’s disease, published in PLOS ONE. Bek, J., Leventhal, D., Groves, M., Growcott, C., & Poliakoff, E. (2022). Moving online: Experiences and potential benefits of digital dance for older adults and people with Parkinson’s […]
Kaiqiang Sun has a new article, Research on Dance Motion Capture Technology for Visualization Requirements, published in Scientific Programming. Sun, K. (2022). Research on Dance Motion Capture Technology for Visualization Requirements. Scientific Programming, 2022, 1–8. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
C. Engdahl has a new article, Dancing as searching with Deleuze – a study of what students in physical education teacher education express and experience in creative dance lessons, published in Research in Dance Education. Engdahl, C., Lundvall, S., & Barker, D. (2022). Dancing as searching with Deleuze – a study of what students in […]
Laura German-Molina has a new article, Dance as a tool for managing emotions. A systematic review, published in Research in Dance Education. German-Molina, L., Caballero-Julia, D., & Cuellar-Moreno, M. (2022). Dance as a tool for managing emotions. A systematic review. Research in Dance Education, 1–12. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Doug Risner has a new article, Male dance educators living with/through cancer: duoethnographies on disease and dis-ease, published in Research in Dance Education. Risner, D., & Marlow, C. (2022). Male dance educators living with/through cancer: duoethnographies on disease and dis-ease. Research in Dance Education, 1–19. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Jia Chen has a new article, Movement Evaluation Algorithm-Based Form Tracking Technology and Optimal Control of Limbs for Dancers, published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Chen, J., & Chen, L. (2022). Movement Evaluation Algorithm-Based Form Tracking Technology and Optimal Control of Limbs for Dancers. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 7749324. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Yang Han has a new article, Intelligent Action Recognition and Dance Motion Optimization Based on Multi-Threshold Image Segmentation, published in Mobile Information Systems. Han, Y., & Mojtahe, K. (2022). Intelligent Action Recognition and Dance Motion Optimization Based on Multi-Threshold Image Segmentation. Mobile Information Systems, 2022, 5776642. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Yin Lyu has a new article, A New Frog Leaping Algorithm-oriented Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Dance Motion Object Saliency Detection, published in Computer Science and Information Systems. Lyu, Y., & Zhang, C. (2022). A new frog leaping algorithm-oriented fully convolutional neural network for dance motion object saliency detection. Computer Science and Information Systems, 35. […]