Escape, expand, embrace: the transformational lived experience of rediscovering the self and the other while dancing with Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis

Anna M. Carapellotti has a new article, Escape, expand, embrace: the transformational lived experience of rediscovering the self and the other while dancing with Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis, published in International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Healthand Well-being. Carapellotti, A. M., Meijerink, H. (J. E. M. ), Gravemaker-Scott, C., Thielman, L., Kool, R., Lewin, N., […]

May I Have This Dance: A Case-Series on the Acute Cardiometabolic Demand of Wheelchair Dancing in Recreational Dancers with Spinal Cord Injury

Claire Shackleton has a new article, May I Have This Dance: A Case-Series on the Acute Cardiometabolic Demand of Wheelchair Dancing in Recreational Dancers with Spinal Cord Injury, published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists. Shackleton, C., Samejima, S., Miller, T., Hosseinzadeh, A., Lee, A. H. X., Sachdeva, R., Nightingale, T. E., & Krassioukov, A. […]

A survey to assess customized safety harness for home-based dance training in patients with chronic stroke

Savitha Subramaniam has a new article, A survey to assess customized safety harness for home-based dance training in patients with chronic stroke, published in PM&R. Subramaniam, S., Wang, E., & Bhatt, T. (2022). A survey to assess customized safety harness for home-based dance training in patients with chronic stroke. PM&R, n/a(n/a). Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Classification of dances using AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet1_0

Khalif Amir Zakry has a new article, Classification of dances using AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet1_0, published in IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Zakry, K., Hipiny, I., & Ujir, H. (2023). Classification of dances using AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet1_0. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 12, 602–609. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and Landing Mechanics in Collegiate Dancers

Chris J. Alfiero has a new article, The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and Landing Mechanics in Collegiate Dancers, published in Journal of Applied Biomechanics. Alfiero, C. J., Brown, A. F., Chun, Y., Holmes, A., & Bailey, J. P. (2022). The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and […]

Randomized Controlled Trial of Social Ballroom Dancing and Treadmill Walking: Preliminary Findings on Executive Function and Neuroplasticity From Dementia-at-Risk Older Adults

Helena M. Blumen has a new article, Randomized Controlled Trial of Social Ballroom Dancing and Treadmill Walking: Preliminary Findings on Executive Function and Neuroplasticity From Dementia-at-Risk Older Adults, published in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Blumen, H. M., Ayers, E., Wang, C., Ambrose, A. F., Jayakody, O., & Verghese, J. (2022). Randomized Controlled Trial […]

Dance as an Intervention to Improve Physical and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults

E. Blanco-Rambo has a new article, Dance as an Intervention to Improve Physical and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults, published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. Blanco-Rambo, E., Izquierdo, M., & Cadore, E. L. (2022). Dance as an Intervention to Improve Physical and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health […]

The MathWorks Inc. highlights software applications by LAB:SYNC

The MathWorks Inc. featured LAB:SYNC director, Dr. Aston K. McCullough, in a user story published on their website. The article focuses on interactive computer vision and sensor data analysis applications developed by McCullough using MATLAB. Read the full article on the MathWorks website.

LAB:SYNC Celebrates Team Member Accomplishments

Laboratory for the Scientific Study of Dance celebrates the outstanding accomplishments of current team members and laboratory alumni. Emily Loane (Undergraduate Research Assistant) Laboratory for the Scientific Study of Dance (LAB:SYNC) congratulates Research Assistant Emily Loane, who is the recipient of an award from the United Association Scholarship Fund for outstanding personal achievement, academic standing, […]

New Team Members Join LAB:SYNC this Summer

LAB:SYNC is excited to have the following new team members as part of our group at UMass Amherst:  Dr. Jared Ramer (Postdoctoral Research Associate)  Dr. Jared Ramer is a recent graduate of the University of Illinois Chicago where he earned his master’s and PhD in Kinesiology and Nutrition. During that time he was also head […]