Yang Han has a new article, Intelligent Action Recognition and Dance Motion Optimization Based on Multi-Threshold Image Segmentation, published in Mobile Information Systems. Han, Y., & Mojtahe, K. (2022). Intelligent Action Recognition and Dance Motion Optimization Based on Multi-Threshold Image Segmentation. Mobile Information Systems, 2022, 5776642. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5776642 Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Yin Lyu has a new article, A New Frog Leaping Algorithm-oriented Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Dance Motion Object Saliency Detection, published in Computer Science and Information Systems. Lyu, Y., & Zhang, C. (2022). A new frog leaping algorithm-oriented fully convolutional neural network for dance motion object saliency detection. Computer Science and Information Systems, 35. […]
Anna M. Carapellotti has a new article, Escape, expand, embrace: the transformational lived experience of rediscovering the self and the other while dancing with Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis, published in International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Healthand Well-being. Carapellotti, A. M., Meijerink, H. (J. E. M. ), Gravemaker-Scott, C., Thielman, L., Kool, R., Lewin, N., […]
Claire Shackleton has a new article, May I Have This Dance: A Case-Series on the Acute Cardiometabolic Demand of Wheelchair Dancing in Recreational Dancers with Spinal Cord Injury, published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists. Shackleton, C., Samejima, S., Miller, T., Hosseinzadeh, A., Lee, A. H. X., Sachdeva, R., Nightingale, T. E., & Krassioukov, A. […]
Savitha Subramaniam has a new article, A survey to assess customized safety harness for home-based dance training in patients with chronic stroke, published in PM&R. Subramaniam, S., Wang, E., & Bhatt, T. (2022). A survey to assess customized safety harness for home-based dance training in patients with chronic stroke. PM&R, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/pmrj.12929 Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Khalif Amir Zakry has a new article, Classification of dances using AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet1_0, published in IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Zakry, K., Hipiny, I., & Ujir, H. (2023). Classification of dances using AlexNet, ResNet18 and SqueezeNet1_0. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 12, 602–609. https://doi.org/10.11591/ijai.v12.i2.pp602-609 Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Chris J. Alfiero has a new article, The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and Landing Mechanics in Collegiate Dancers, published in Journal of Applied Biomechanics. Alfiero, C. J., Brown, A. F., Chun, Y., Holmes, A., & Bailey, J. P. (2022). The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and […]
Helena M. Blumen has a new article, Randomized Controlled Trial of Social Ballroom Dancing and Treadmill Walking: Preliminary Findings on Executive Function and Neuroplasticity From Dementia-at-Risk Older Adults, published in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Blumen, H. M., Ayers, E., Wang, C., Ambrose, A. F., Jayakody, O., & Verghese, J. (2022). Randomized Controlled Trial […]
E. Blanco-Rambo has a new article, Dance as an Intervention to Improve Physical and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults, published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. Blanco-Rambo, E., Izquierdo, M., & Cadore, E. L. (2022). Dance as an Intervention to Improve Physical and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health […]
R. Jisha Raj has a new article, Systematic Approach to Tuning a Deep CNN Classifying Bharatanatyam Mudras, published in Proceedings of the Satellite Workshops of ICVGIP 2021. Jisha Raj, R., Dharan, S., & Sunil, T. T. (2022). Systematic Approach to Tuning a Deep CNN Classifying Bharatanatyam Mudras. In U. Mudenagudi, A. Nigam, R. K. Sarvadevabhatla, […]