Effects of Popping For Parkinson’s dance class on the mood of people with Parkinson’s disease

Simone Sistarelli has a new article, Effects of Popping For Parkinson’s dance class on the mood of people with Parkinson’s disease, published in International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. Sistarelli, S., Annett, L. E., & Lovatt, P. J. (2023). Effects of Popping For Parkinson’s dance class on the mood of people with Parkinson’s disease. International […]

Comparison of Audiovisual Components of Dance in Novices and Experts’ Aesthetic Interest Perceptions

Jeehyun Joung has a new article, Comparison of Audiovisual Components of Dance in Novices and Experts’ Aesthetic Interest Perceptions, published in Empirical Studies of the Arts. Joung, J., & Kim, J. (2023). Comparison of Audiovisual Components of Dance in Novices and Experts’ Aesthetic Interest Perceptions. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 02762374231152775. https://doi.org/10.1177/02762374231152775 Contributor: LAB:SYNC

The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities – pilot study

Olga Ka?u?ny has a new article, The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities – pilot study, published in Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. Ka?u?ny, O. (2023). The effect of dance workshops participation on reaction time in persons with moderate intellectual disabilities – pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, […]

Turning Heads on the Dance Floor: Synchrony and Social Interaction Using a Silent Disco Paradigm

Joshua S. Bamford has a new article, Turning Heads on the Dance Floor:Synchrony and Social Interaction Using a Silent Disco Paradigm, published in Music & Science. Bamford, J. S., Burger, B., & Toiviainen, P. (2023). Turning Heads on the Dance Floor: Synchrony and Social Interaction Using a Silent Disco Paradigm. Music & Science, 6, 205920432311554. […]

Dancing for Parkinson’s Disease Online: Clinical Trial Process Evaluation

Meg E. Morris has a new article, Dancing for Parkinson’s Disease Online: Clinical Trial Process Evaluation, published in Healthcare. Morris, M. E., McConvey, V., Wittwer, J. E., Slade, S. C., Blackberry, I., Hackney, M. E., Haines, S., Brown, L., & Collin, E. (2023). Dancing for Parkinson’s Disease Online: Clinical Trial Process Evaluation. Healthcare, 11(4), 604. […]

Uplifted by Dancing Community: From Physical Activity to Well-Being

Agnieszka Zygmont has a new article, Uplifted by Dancing Community: From Physical Activity to Well-Being, published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Zygmont, A., Doli?ski, W., Zawadzka, D., & Pezdek, K. (2023). Uplifted by Dancing Community: From Physical Activity to Well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3535. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043535 […]

Towards an Evolutionary Approach to Learning from Assumptions: Lessons from the Evaluation of Dancing with Parkinson’s

April Nakaima has a new article, Towards an Evolutionary Approach to Learning from Assumptions: Lessons from the Evaluation of Dancing with Parkinson’s, published in Evaluation and Program Planning. Nakaima, A., Sridharan, S., & Gibson, R. (2023). Towards an Evolutionary Approach to Learning from Assumptions: Lessons from the Evaluation of Dancing with Parkinson’s. Evaluation and Program […]

Research Opportunity for Performing Artists and Athletes

***Are you a performing artist and an athlete (dancer, circus artist, gymnast,  figure skater, etc.) over the age of 18 located in North America? If so, you are eligible to participate!*** This research aims to create an assessment evaluating the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions contributing to mental wellness and high performance in artistic athletes. Participants will […]

LAB:SYNC presents at National Annual HBCU Week Conference

The University of Massachusetts Amherst featured LAB:SYNC Director, Dr. Aston K. McCullough, in an article about his recent presentation at the 2022 National Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities conference. Read the full article here.

gravity Volume 2, Issue 4: publication highlights

This fall, the dance science community published a number of ground-breaking new studies, with 24 articles on dance, science, health and technology featured on gravity! Alfiero, C. J., Brown, A. F., Chun, Y., Holmes, A., & Bailey, J. P. (2022). The Effect of Foot Position and Lean Mass on Jumping and Landing Mechanics in Collegiate Dancers. […]