LAB:SYNC is excited to have the following new team members as part of our group at UMass Amherst: Kiley Baker (Project Manager) Kiley Baker is the LAB:SYNC Project Manager at UMass Amherst and a dance educator throughout New England. She holds degrees in Athletic Training and Dance Studies from Dean College, as well as an […]
Tag: announcements
Junya Shao has a new article, Design of Distance Learning System for Dance Movement Based on Wireless Network Communication Technology, published in the Journal of Interconnection Networks. Shao, J., & Li, X. (2022). Design of Distance Learning System for Dance Movement Based on Wireless Network Communication Technology. Journal of Interconnection Networks, 2147008. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Peter Gates has a new article, Analysis of Movement Entropy during Community Dance Programs for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Older Adults: A Cohort Study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Gates, P., Discenzo, F. M., Kim, J. H., Lemke, Z., Meggitt, J., & Ridgel, A. L. (2022). Analysis of […]
R. Jisha Raj has a new article, Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization of Bharatanatyam Mudras, published in the International Journal of Image and Graphics. Jisha Raj, R., Dharan, S., & Sunil, T. T. (2021). Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization of Bharatanatyam Mudras. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 2350001. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
The University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of Music & Dance made mention of LAB:SYNC in their annual periodical, Fanfare, focusing on the LAB:SYNC team and its commitment to the study of dance and health in adults as a National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab. See pages 8 & 9 in the Fanfare article. [Read more…]
Publications featured in gravity Volume 1, Issue 4 (December 20, 2021) A number of exciting papers have been published this fall in the field of dance science. Here are just a few highlights that the LAB:SYNC team wanted to share: Avaunt, C., & Guo, W. (2021). Dance and Community Engagement in the Private Sector: An Empirical Study […]
Isabella Seguin has a new article, ‘Home away from home’: Examining the lived experiences of a child with ASD in a recreational dance setting, published in Research in Dance Education. Seguin, I., & Fletcher, P. C. (2021). ‘Home away from home’: Examining the lived experiences of a child with ASD in a recreational dance setting. […]
FenTian Peng has a new article, Research on Action Recognition Method of Dance Video Image Based on Human-Computer Interaction, published in Scientific Programming. Peng, F., & Zhang, H. (2021). Research on Action Recognition Method of Dance Video Image Based on Human-Computer Interaction. Scientific Programming, 2021, 8763133. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Ferhat Esatbeyoglu has a new article, “Like I’m flying”: Capoeira dance experiences of youth with visual impairments, published in the British Journal of Visual Impairment. Esatbeyoglu, F., Kirk, T. N., & Haegele, J. A. (2021). “Like I’m flying”: Capoeira dance experiences of youth with visual impairments. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 02646196211059756. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Ma Li has a new article, Tracking of Dance Limb Movement Trajectory Based on Kinect Bone Data, published in 021 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE’21). Ma Li. 2021. Tracking of Dance Limb Movement Trajectory Based on Kinect Bone Data. In 2021 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer […]