Construction of an Intelligent APP for Dance Training Mobile Information Management Platform Based on Edge Computing

Yan Gao has a new publication, Construction of an Intelligent APP for Dance Training Mobile Information Management Platform Based on Edge Computing, in Mobile Information Systems. Gao, Y.; Xu, D. Construction of an Intelligent APP for Dance Training Mobile Information Management Platform Based on Edge Computing. Mob. Inf. Syst. 2021, 2021, 3019009. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

Dance Motion Capture Based on Data Fusion Algorithm and Wearable Sensor Network

Yueru Li has a new publication, Dance Motion Capture Based on Data Fusion Algorithm and Wearable Sensor Network, in Complexity. Li, Y. Dance Motion Capture Based on Data Fusion Algorithm and Wearable Sensor Network. Complexity 2021, 2021, 2656275. Contributor: LAB:SYNC

New team members at LAB:SYNC

LAB:SYNC is pleased to welcome Marcos Amalbert-Birriel, M.S. (Kinesiology Doctoral Student, UMass Amherst) as a Graduate Research Assistant & Marrina Jacka (Senior, The Ross School) as a summer Research Intern.  Amalbert-Birriel blends his experience in exercise science with a personal interest in dance to support a wide-range of activities at LAB:SYNC that involve wearable sensors, […]

Feasibility of a ballet-inspired low impact at-home workout programme for adults with stroke: A mixed-methods exploratory study protocol

Dr. Suzanne Hoi Shan Lo has a new publication, Feasibility of a ballet-inspired low impact at-home workout programme for adults with stroke: A mixed-methods exploratory study protocol, in BMJ Open. Lo SHS, Chau JPC, Choi KC, Yeung J, Li SH, Demers M. Feasibility of a ballet-inspired low-impact at-home workout programme for adults with stroke: a […]

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Laboratory for the Scientific Study of Dance at the University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join an interdisciplinary team of researchers affiliated with the National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab currently based at UMass Amherst. Toward better understanding the relationship between dance exposures and health outcomes, the ideal candidate has […]

The Impact of Dance-Specific Neuromuscular Conditioning and Injury Prevention Training on Motor Control, Stability, Balance, Function and Injury in Professional Ballet Dancers: A Mixed-Methods Quasi-Experimental Study

Katherine L. Long has a new publication, The Impact of Dance-Specific Neuromuscular Conditioning and Injury Prevention Training on Motor Control, Stability, Balance, Function and Injury in Professional Ballet Dancers: A Mixed-Methods Quasi-Experimental Study, in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Long KL, Milidonis MK, Wildermuth VL, Kruse AN, Parham UT. The Impact of DanceSpecific […]

Binary dance rhythm or Quaternary dance rhythm which has the greatest effect on non-motor symptoms of individuals with Parkinson’s disease?

Jéssica Moratelli has a new publication, Binary dance rhythm or Quaternary dance rhythm which has the greatest effect on non-motor symptoms of individuals with Parkinson’s disease?, in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Moratelli, J.; Alexandre, K.H.; Boing, L.; Swarowsky, A.; Corrêa, C.L.; Coutinho de Azevedo Guimarães, A. Binary dance rhythm or Quaternary dance rhythm which has […]

A Cultural Dance Program Improves Hypertension Control and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Native Hawaiians: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Dr. Joseph Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula has a new publication, A Cultural Dance Program Improves Hypertension Control and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Native Hawaiians: A Randomized Controlled Trial, in Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Joseph Keawe’aimoku Kaholokula, PhD, Mele Look, MBA, Tricia Mabellos, DrPH, Hyeong Jun Ahn, PhD, So Yung Choi, MS, Ka’imi A Sinclair, PhD, MPH, Thomas A […]

Neuroscience and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis: Exploring L/BMA as Movement Therapy for Stroke

Andrea Pack presents Neuroscience and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis: Exploring L/BMA as Movement Therapy for Stroke on Wednesday, March 3, 4:40 – 5:20 EST. This talk is part of Engaging Embodiment: Somatic Applications for Health, Education, and Social Justice, a conference hosted by the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). The conference will be […]

Beauty That Moves: Dance for Parkinson’s Effects on Affect, Self-Efficacy, Gait Symmetry, and Dual Task Performance

Dr. Cecilia Fontanesi (Dance Science Symposium ’19) has a new publication, Beauty That Moves: Dance for Parkinson’s Effects on Affect, Self-Efficacy, Gait Symmetry, and Dual Task Performance, in Frontiers in Psychology. Fontanesi C, DeSouza JFX. Beauty That Moves: Dance for Parkinson’s Effects on Affect, Self-Efficacy, Gait Symmetry, and Dual Task Performance. Front Psychol. 2021 Feb […]