Catarina Allen d’Ávila Silveira has a new article, Wearable Choreographer: Designing Soft-Robotics for Dance Practice, published in DIS ’22: Designing Interactive Systems Conference. d’Ávila Silveira, C., Kilic Afsar, O., & Fdili Alaoui, S. (2022). Wearable Choreographer: Designing Soft-Robotics for Dance Practice. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1581–1596. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Tag: #dancescience
YuanSong Jiang has a new article, Partial Differential Equation Noise Reduction Model and Fuzzy Image Processing in Optimal Application of Sports Dance Exercise Training Mode, published in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. YuanSong Jiang, Can Chen, “Partial Differential Equation Noise Reduction Model and Fuzzy Image Processing in Optimal Application of Sports Dance Exercise Training Mode”, Wireless Communications […]
Tomas Matthews has a new article, Perceived Motor Synchrony With the Beat is More Strongly Related to Groove Than Measured Synchrony, published in Music Perception. Tomas E. Matthews, Maria A. G. Witek, Joseph L. N. Thibodeau, Peter Vuust, Virginia B. Penhune; Perceived Motor Synchrony With the Beat is More Strongly Related to Groove Than Measured […]
David Marquez has a new article, BAILA: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Latin Dancing to Increase Physical Activity in Spanish-Speaking Older Latinos, published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine. David X Marquez, PhD, JoEllen Wilbur, PhD, Susan Hughes, PhD, Robert Wilson, PhD, David M Buchner, MD, MPH, Michael L Berbaum, PhD, Edward McAuley, PhD, Susan Aguiñaga, […]
Xiaolin Hu has a new article, Footprint Extraction and Sports Dance Action Recognition Method Based on Artificial Intelligence Distributed Edge Computing, published in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Hu, X., & Xu, X. (2022). Footprint Extraction and Sports Dance Action Recognition Method Based on Artificial Intelligence Distributed Edge Computing. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, […]
Junlin Ren has a new article, Dynamic Recognition and Analysis of Gait Contour of Dance Movements Based on Generative Adversarial Networks, published in Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. Ren, J., & Park, J.-K. (2022). Dynamic Recognition and Analysis of Gait Contour of Dance Movements Based on Generative Adversarial Networks. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 3276696. […]
Liusha Dong has a new article, Optimization Simulation of Dance Technical Movements and Music Matching Based on Multifeature Fusion, published in Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. Dong, L. (2022). Optimization Simulation of Dance Technical Movements and Music Matching Based on Multifeature Fusion. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, 8679748. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
M. Fuller has a new article, Weekly injury rates within semesters of a three-year tertiary dance program, and prospective training monitoring across one semester of training: a longitudinal study, published in Research in Dance Education. Fuller, M., Moyle, G. M., & Minett, G. (2022). Weekly injury rates within semesters of a three-year tertiary dance program, […]
R. Rugh has a new article, Healing minds, moving bodies: measuring the mental health effects of online dance during the COVID-19 pandemic, published in Research in Dance Education. Rugh, R., Humphries, A., Tasnim, N., & Basso, J. C. (2022). Healing minds, moving bodies: measuring the mental health effects of online dance during the COVID-19 pandemic. […]
F. Potempski has a new article, Technical Note: Quantifying music-dance synchrony during salsa dancing with a deep learning-based 2D pose estimator, published in the Journal of Biomechanics. Potempski, F., Sabo, A., & Patterson, K. K. (2022). Technical Note: Quantifying music-dance synchrony during salsa dancing with a deep learning-based 2D pose estimator. Journal of Biomechanics, 111178. […]