Corinne Jola has a new article, Benefits of dance for Parkinson’s: The music, the moves, and the company, published in PLOS ONE. Jola, C., Sundström, M., & McLeod, J. (2022). Benefits of dance for Parkinson’s: The music, the moves, and the company. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0265921-. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Tag: #parkinsons
Anna M. Carapellotti has a new article, Escape, expand, embrace: the transformational lived experience of rediscovering the self and the other while dancing with Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis, published in International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Healthand Well-being. Carapellotti, A. M., Meijerink, H. (J. E. M. ), Gravemaker-Scott, C., Thielman, L., Kool, R., Lewin, N., […]
Suzanne J. Carroll has a new article, “Out and proud…. in all your shaking glory” the wellbeing impact of a dance program with public dance performance for people with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study, published in Disability and Rehabilitation. Carroll, S. J., Dale, M. J., & Bail, K. (2022). “Out and proud…. in all your […]