Devin Bulkley has a new article, Dancers exhibit decreases in postural control after fatigue, published in Sports Biomechanics. Bulkley, D., & Jarvis, D. N. (2023). Dancers exhibit decreases in postural control after fatigue. Sports Biomechanics, 1–12. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Tag: #posturalcontrol
Lise Worthen-Chaudhari has a new article, Biomechanical Effect of Music and Dance on Postural Control Among Breast Cancer Survivors With Neuropathy, published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Worthen-Chaudhari, L., Bland, C., WIlder, J., Wali, R., Bibi, A., Taha, S., Costa-GIomi, E., Crasta, J. E., Schnell, P., Hackney, M., & Lustberg, M. (2023). Biomechanical […]
Ashlee Parks has a new article, Instrumented measures of postural control in college dancers with and without chronic ankle instability, published in Physical Therapy in Sport. Parks, A., Gosselin, S., & Goetschius, J. (2022). Instrumented measures of postural control in college dancers with and without chronic ankle instability. Physical Therapy in Sport, 58, 41–45. […]