Laura Britten has a new article, Dance on: a mixed-method study into the feasibility and effectiveness of a dance programme to increase physical activity levels and wellbeing in adults and older adults, published in BMC Geriatrics. Britten, L., Pina, I., Nykjaer, C., & Astill, S. (2023). Dance on: a mixed-method study into the feasibility and […]
Tag: #wellbeing
Ellis Martin-Wylie has a new article, Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: an arts-informed photo-elicitation study, published in Arts & Health. Martin-Wylie, E., Urmston, E., & Redding, E. (2022). Impact of creative dance on subjective well-being amongst older adults: an arts-informed photo-elicitation study. Arts & Health, 1–17. Contributor: LAB:SYNC
Suzanne J. Carroll has a new article, “Out and proud…. in all your shaking glory” the wellbeing impact of a dance program with public dance performance for people with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study, published in Disability and Rehabilitation. Carroll, S. J., Dale, M. J., & Bail, K. (2022). “Out and proud…. in all your […]