Call for papers

The symposium will feature 4 plenary speakers who will focus on different aspects of Latinx issues (e.g. race, identity education, language change). We invite abstract submissions for (10-minute presentations) that focus on (socio)-linguistic issues regarding Latinx in the broad sense. If your research/work is about or work with Latinx populations and you would like to bring light to your research findings and/or obtain feedback on your projects, we want to hear from you!

We invite contributions that consider issues issues pertaining to, but not limited to, language variation and change, acquisition, language/dialectal contact, identities, ideologies, raciolinguistics, indigeneity, education, translanguaging, social justice, etc.


Papers will be presented live (in person and/or zoom). Paper presentations should include theoretical background, research questions, and data analysis of the results. Presenters will have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. 

Project Launch:

This format is inspired by a novel format at NWAV 50. Project Launches are an opportunity for researchers at early stages of a new project to present their work and obtain constructive feedback from the LSA summer institute community. This format is different from regular “papers” in that your presentation should articulate a research question, theoretical significance, methodological considerations, and preliminary data (if any) and ask specific questions or address areas that you may need feedback on. Although this format is not limited to early career researchers, we particularly encourage students or junior researchers working towards their M.A. projects or Ph.D. proposals to submit their abstracts.  This format will also feature 10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A.

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstract should not be longer than 500 words. A separate page may be used for references, examples, images, figures or tables. Individuals are limited to two abstract submissions with only one being single-authored. Abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair and should identify whether it is being considered for a Paper or a Project Launch.


May 20, 2023 June 1st: submissions abstracts via EasyChair

June 15, 2023: notification of acceptance

July 1, 2023: Symposium