06/06/2024: Prof. Lee in CAMCSE at UAB
The DOE NNSA Center for Additively Manufactured Complex Systems Under Extremes (CAMCSE) held its annual Center Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting on June 6, 2024, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
In attendance were: (front l-r) Drs. Jae-Hwang Lee, Wen Chen, Aaron Catledge, Mr. Anirudh Hari, Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra; (2nd row l-r) Dr. Wenli Bi, Ms. Jadyn Parker, Drs. Christopher Seagle, Vijayi Rangari (3rd row l-r) Drs. Kannassten Appavoo, Kentos Katagiri, James Hamlin, Seth Iwan.