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Dec. 12, 2014: Public media

UMass Research Next In Pictures “Bullet-Proof: Demonstrating the superior performance of nanometer-thin graphene” Optics & Photonics, Optical Society of America “Testing graphene’s …

Dec. 4, 2014: Public media

  Nature News, “Bullet-proof armour and hydrogen sieve add to graphene’s promise” Scientific American, “In a bulletproof test graphene is stronger than …

Nov. 29, 2014: Public media

BBC News, “Graphene shows promise for bulletproof armour” ChemistryWorld, “Graphene’s showdown with the man with the golden gun” Popular Mechanics, “Single layers of …

Tunable thermal emitter

Amir’s Communication “Plasmonic Thermal Emitters for Dynamically Tunable Infrared Radiation”, by Amir Kazemi Moridani; Robert Zando, M.S.; Irene Howell; James Watkins; Lee …

Extreme dynamics of graphene

J.-H. Lee, P.E. Loya, J. Lou, E.L. Thomas, “Dynamic mechanical behavior of multilayer graphene via supersonic projectile penetration” Science 346, 1092 (2014).

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