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6/1/18: ONR Annual Meeting at UMass

The 2nd Navy Basic Research Challenge (BRC) CAVITATE annual meeting was held at UMass Amherst. Amir, Sacchita, and Prof. Lee were participants of …

3/13/18: Cold spray paper is published by JTST

High-Strain-Rate Material Behavior and Adiabatic Material Instability in Impact of Micron-Scale Al-6061 Particles  Journal of Therm Spray Technology (2018). Qiyong Chen, Arash Alizadeh, Wanting Xie, …

3/7/18: Amir gives a talk at APS meeting

American Physical Society March Meeting 2018 March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California Laser-induced Cavitation for Understanding High-strain-rate Mechanical Behavior of Soft Materials Amir …

2/21/18: Armor research in COE News

Lee Publishes Groundbreaking Study of Tough New Nanocomposites Stronger and Lighter Than Kevlar Body Armor Professor Jae-Hwang Lee and his graduate students …

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