Aynat Rubinstein assistant professor at the Hebrew University

Aynat Rubinstein (2012 UMass PhD) has just started her new position as assistant professor (tenure track) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a joint appointment in the Hebrew Language and Linguistics Departments. Aynat combines theoretical work in natural language semantics and its interfaces with an experimental perspective that includes corpus creation and annotation, corpus mining, and natural language processing. Her work on modality has been internationally recognized, most recently by being the (sole) invited speaker at next year’s workshop “Towards an Ontology of Modal Flavors” held as part of the 2017 annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society in Saarbrücken. Last February, Aynat organized a Winter School on Language Documentation and Linguistic Fieldwork at the Hebrew University. The winter school included mentorships for fieldwork projects on Modern Hebrew, Palestinian Arabic dialects, Judeo-Arabic dialects, Aramaic dialects, Amharic, Nuer, Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Jewish Malayalam, and other languages of Israel.