Ilaria Frana to Enna Kore

frana-2017Ilaria Frana (2010 UMass PhD) will start a tenure-track position (assistant professor equivalent) in the English Department of the Kore University of Enna in Sicily this Fall. The Kore University of Enna is a ‘young’ Italian university with strong international ties, in particular with universities across the Mediterranean, but also with institutions in the Americas and in Northern and Central Europe. Ilaria has just finished her book on Concealed Questions, which will be published by Oxford University Press in the Spring. The book presents a new analysis of concealed questions. Concealed question constructions are reports of a mental attitude where part of a sentence looks like a nominal complement (e.g. Eve’s phone number in Adam knows Eve’s phone number), but is interpreted as an indirect question (Adam knows what Eve’s phone number is). Source: OUP.