The first Lingle of the semester

The first Lingle14513666_10103842373240112_606005278_o of the semester took place on the evening of Thursday the 29th. This being the second year of the Lingle, there were many Lingle regulars. There were also many new faces. We made plans for future Lingles, which are to focus on applying for internships, applying for grad school, and applying for jobs. The next Lingle will be in early November. The highlight was Andrew Lamont getting everyone excited about the Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) through puzzles on Maori and Japanese.  Brian Dillon and Rajesh Bhatt made sure the pizza arrived on time. 14572738_10103842373235122_2079290743_o 14572099_10103842373245102_235329739_o 14522063_10103842373230132_1611264121_o 14536742_10103842373280032_1310232888_o