Rising Researcher Award for Jack Duff

jack-duffSource and more info: College of Humanities and Fine Arts, UMass Amherst.

“A double major in Linguistics and Classics, Jack Duff ’18 is a recent recipient of the UMass Amherst Rising Researcher Award. He combines his two majors in his research, most recently conducting linguistic analysis of Horace’s poetry to find out how ancient Romans attributed text to different speakers without modern punctuation. He discovered that, “language always finds a way…”.”

“I got here interested in doing linguistics and started doing some classics stuff on the side because I wanted to continue studying Latin like I had in high school, and also pick up ancient Greek because I knew that it was taught here and that it was a good class to take. And then I realized that I really wanted to keep doing classics as much as I wanted to do linguistics, and so I found myself kind of putting a lot of energy into both majors and trying to find how they overlap.”