The program for Generative Linguistics in the Old World 40, hosted by Leiden University, is out now. The following UMass people are presenting at the main colloquium and the accompanying workshop “Compositionality at the Interfaces”:
- Daniel Altshuler is presenting the poster “A compositional semantics of provisional anaphors and cataphors at the semantics/pragmatics interface” at the workshop (with Dag Haug).
- David Erschler is presenting the poster “Predicting embedded gapping” at the main colloquium.
- Hsin-Lun Huang is presenting the paper “Post-verbal non-referential NPs in Mandarin: A case of Pseudo-Incorporation” at the workshop.
- Deniz Özy?ld?z is presenting the poster “Knowledge reports without true belief” at the workshop.
- Ethan Poole is presenting the paper “Movement of properties and properties of movement” at the main colloquium.
Alumna Maribel Romero is also the invited speaker at the workshop.