From Angelika Kratzer: Three UMass Alums were in Tokyo last week, presenting papers on Concealed Propositions (Ilaria Frana & Keir Moulton), Slurs (Chris Davis), and CHARACTER Assassination (Craige Roberts) at LENSL 14 (Logic & Engineering of Natural Language Semantics). I did the best I could to get pictures of everyone, but was only partly successful. Even though Craige gave an invited talk, she was only spotted from a roof top in a group of six, and Keir Moulton didn’t go to Tokyo at all, but gave an invited talk on Nouny Propositions at the Berlin SelectionFest instead.
Left top: Ilaria in front, and Chris behind her on the left. Left bottom: Craige spotted from a Tokyo roof top. Right top: Chris. Right bottom: Ilaria (without Keir) talking on Concealed Propositions.