Upcoming Computational Linguistics Community Events

Please join us for two upcoming CLC events!

  • Students in Cognitive Modeling (Ling 692c) present their final projects
    • Dec 8, 9-10am in ILC N400 (Psycholinguistics Workshop)
    • Students will give 5 minute presentations about their final class projects involving computational modeling of some psycholinguistic task or phenomenon
  • Students in Intro NLP (CS 585) give poster presentations of their final projects
    • Dec 12, 3:30-5pm (session 1) and 5-6:30 (session 2), in CS room 150/151
    • See description below from Brendan O’Connor

CS 585 Poster Sessions

Come check out 80+ poster presentations for natural language processing class projects this semester!  A sampling of topics include:
 – Movie revenue prediction using plot summary analysis
 – Irony detection in English tweets
 – Determining toxicity in social discussions
 – Cross-lingual transfer learning for Hindi part-of-speech tagging
There will be two sessions, both in CS room 150/151:
  – Session 1: 3:30-5:00
  – Session 2: 5:00-6:30
There will be different posters at each session, so come early and often!