Our department was extremely well represented at this year’s Linguistic Society of America annual meeting, held in Salt Lake City Jan. 5-7 2018. Highlights included the plenary address by Lisa Green (introduced by outgoing LSA president Alice Harris), and the first meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, organized by Gaja Jarosz and Joe Pater. Rajesh Bhatt deserves special thanks for all his work as program co-chair. The photo shows just some of the current students and faculty, and alums. (Can anyone name them all? Comments open below.) The talks and posters delivered by current members of the department, including many students, are listed below (student presentations are asterisked).
*Carolyn Jane Anderson (University of Massachusetts Amherst): The San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec andative and venitive
*John Duff (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Alice Harris (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Udi and the location of Caucasian Albanian agreement clitics
*Alexander Goebel (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Brian Dillon (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Lyn Frazier (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Investigating the parallelism requirement of too
Lisa Green (University of Massachusetts Amherst), “African American English and Fifty Years of Research: Variation, Development, and Implications for the Pipelines”
*Coral Hughto (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Investigating the consequences of iterated learning in phonological typology
*Kimberly Johnson (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Expletive voice: another look at the Creek causative
*Andrew Lamont (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Subsequential steps to unbounded tonal plateauing
Joe Pater (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Lisa Sanders (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Evan Hare (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Claire Moore-Cantwell (Simon Fraser University): ERP signatures of implicit and explicit phonological learning
*Brandon Prickett (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Similarity-based phonological generalization
Tom Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Bart Hollebrandse (University of Groningen), Ana Perez (University of Toronto), Angeliek van Hout (University of Groningen), Petra Schulz (Goethe University Frankfurt), Anca Sevcenco (University of Bucharest): Avoidance by children as evidence of self-embedding recursion
*Katerina A. Tetzloff (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Analyzing surface unnaturalness and opacity in phonetically natural steps: final devoicing and vowel lengthening in Friulian
I was there, too! Presented 2 posters. Alum, PhD 1982
Yes – we crossed paths, but I didn’t get a chance to say hi. We missed you at the photo!
It was fun to see lots of UMass people at the LSA. I was there, too — gave a talk, and took part in the special session on collaboration across disciplines.
(Great photo! Somehow I missed that there was going to be one.)
It was great seeing you there Jen! I sent a message out about taking the photo to our ling-alum mailing list. If you didn’t get it, please let me or Tom Maxfield know, and we’ll add you to the list!
Cool, thanks! I will definitely write to Tom.