Jyoti Iyer will a practice talk entitled, “The presuppositional objects of restitutive ‘again'”. The talk will be on Wednesday at 5:15pm (Kyle’s seminar will end at 5:10pm, and we will stay in the same room, N458).
This talk exploits the necessarily low attachment of restitutive ‘again’ to build an argument for object shift in Hindi-Urdu: the adverb is low enough that short movement of the direct object is visible in the overt syntax. Shifted objects are presuppositional, and unshifted objects are non-referential. The overt visibility of this semantic distinction in Hindi-Urdu is analogous to German scrambling indefinites, shedding new light on the empirical observation that restitutive is incompatible with non-referential objects, specifically showing that low attachment alone cannot fully determine the details of restitutive meaning.
Feedback is welcome and necessary, all are invited to attend.
The talk is a practice talk for a talk on 23 March in Recife, Brazil, at Adjuncts 2018, the third international thematic workshop of GETEGRA (Grupo de Estudos em Teoria da Gramática). [https://adjuncts.wixsite.com/adjuncts2018]