Jyoti Iyer on `Adjuncts’ in Recife, Brazil, March 23, 2018

Iyer in Brazil!

On Friday 23 March 2018, Jyoti Iyer gave a talk entitled, “The presuppositional objects of restitutive ‘again'”, at the III GETEGRA International Workshop (on Adjuncts) in Recife, Brazil. GETEGRA stands for Grupo de Estudos em Teoria da Gramática, a research group composed of professors, graduate students and undergrads from universities in the Northeast of Brazil.

The presentations were of high quality and spanned many areas. Here are almost all of them (first two invited).

Jairo Nunes: Optional edge features (EF) which can drive A’ movement, and which languages can choose to place either on the wh-word itself [Eng.], or on the phase head [Braz. Port.]; implications for adjunct control via movement.
Artemis Alexiadou: Crosslinguistic means of forming diminuitives, with a focus on languages which realise the morphology as a feature-changing little n head (gender, mass/count, declension class).
Hedde Zeijlstra: A Merged element can project a label only if it retains an unchecked uF. Adjuncts like adverbs are [uV][V], so lose [uV] when Merged with [V]. Extends to PP adjuncts too.
Chiara Dal Farra: Some adjuncts allow more movement out of them, some less. Some of the more opaque ones are so because they are parenthetical. [Italian]
Tonjes Veenstra: Coordination in serial verb constructions as adjunction, and an argument for Pair Merge. [Mauritian Creole]
Ana Regina Calindro: Explaining the “beneficiary” reading of NP+PP distransitives using i* as a recursive argument-introducing head. [Braz. Port.]
Violeta Demonts: An argument for the sideward movement theory of control, from dispositional evaluative adjectives in Spanish [Juan was intelligent in accept that job], where John doesn’t have to be intelligent in general.
Janayna Carvalho: Null pronominals in Braz. Port. [in.the house of.the Mary EC sell.3sg sweet] as Diesing-indefinites closed off by locative PP.
Carlos Muñoz Pérez: Parasitic gaps do not reconstruct. Explaining this via a hierarchy of choices of nominal elements to posit in the gap – Minimize Restrictors! makes sure you cannot reconstruct anything too redundant.
– Jyoti Iyer; Restitutive readings impose a ban on narrow scope of the object being restored. Deriving this by restriction result-state predication to nominals of type <e>.

[Full program with abstracts here: https://adjuncts.wixsite.com/adjuncts2018/call-for-papers]

Official pictures here:
https://www.instagram.com/p/BgqsqDUHXkx/?taken-by=getegra [Iyer]
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgvrx5JHsv-/?taken-by=getegra [group]