University of Chicago hosted its annual Chicago Linguistics Society meeting April 26-8, and UMass was well represented. Former, present and future members of the UMass department were there:
Present students and faculty:
Peter Alrenga gave “Emphatic vs Exclusive Modification by ‘single’: A Unified Approach”
Rong Yin and Jeremy Hartman gave “Perspectives under Ellipsis.”
Michael Wilson gave “The Dative Illusion as an Argument for Lexicalist Argument Structure”
Former Students:
Jesse Harris (with Natasha Korotkova) gave: “Preference for single events guides perception in Russian: A phoneme restoration study”
Marcin Morzycki gave the invited talk: “Semantic Viruses and Multiple Superlatives”
Future Student:
Jonathan Pesetsky (with Saúl Fernández) gave: “Suppose Epistemic Contradictions Might Not Be Contradictions “