Shota Momma is traveling to UC Irvine to give a colloquium in the brand-new department of Language Science there on 11/18. The title of his colloquium is ‘Structure Building in Speaking,’ and the abstract can be found below. Bon voyage, Shota!
Speakers build syntactic structure so they can avoid producing ungrammatical sentences too frequently. But how speakers do so remains poorly understood. In this talk, I discuss our recent series of studies on how speakers encode structural representations, such as argument structures, filler-gap dependencies, and coreference relations, as they construct sentences. Building on experimental results, I introduce a preliminary model of structure building in speaking, which I argue can also be used to capture syntactic processes in comprehension. This model of a shared structure-building mechanism for both comprehension and production aims to contribute to the broader goal of understanding the relationship between syntactic knowledge and syntactic processes.