Faculty member Kristine Yu presented at the Tsinghua University Workshop on Prosodic and Metrical Phonology 2020 on June 24, 2020 to help kick off the 35th anniversary celebration of the founding of the linguistics program at National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Due to COVID-19, this was perhaps the first in-person linguistics workshop/conference in the region in many months.
Yu has been on sabbatical for Spring 2020 as a visiting scholar at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at neighboring National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) since the end of January 2020, sponsored by Sang-Im Lee-Kim via a grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, Taiwan equivalent of National Science foundation in US). She has formed a number of new collaborations:
- With Sang-Im Lee-Kim (NCTU): work on perception of Mandarin tones produced by Korean L2 learners of Mandarin
- With Ho-hsien Pan (NCTU) and Grace Kuo (National Taiwan University): corpus work on syntax-prosody interface issues in Taiwanese Southern Min tone sandhi
- With Yu-An Lu (NCTU): work on the phonetics of Formosan languages for the Handbook of Formosan Languages
- More generally, a new consortium of scholars working on the phonetics and phonology of Formosan languages, including Chenhao Chiu (National Taiwan University), Hui-Chuang Huang (Academia Sinica), Grace Kuo (National Taiwan University), Siusuat Lau (National Tsing Hua University), and Yu-An Lu (NCTU)

She also participated in a graduate seminar on prosody offered by visiting scholar Carlos Gussenhoven, which provided inspiration for the talk presented at the Tsing Hua workshop, and participated in various ways in departmental life, including offering a tutorial on Generalized Additive Mixed Models as part of the NCTU Phon Brown Bag series.