UMass Amherst Linguists at Virtual AMLaP 2020!

Potsdam University is hosting the 2020 Architectures and Mechanisms in Language Processing (AMLaP) conference virtually next week (registration is free!) and a number of UMass psycholinguists, past and present, are presenting! Although we’re very sad to not see our friends and colleagues in person in Berlin this year, the virtual format does mean that we can connect with our extended UMass family and hear about what they’re up to, even without traveling to Berlin.

AMLaP will take place September 3rd through 5th. The full schedule can be found here. Posters on September 3rd will be presented from 10- 11:30AM Pioneer Valley time, posters on September 4th will be presented from 8- 9:30AM Pioneer Valley time and posters on September 5th will presented from 4- 5:30 AM Pioneer Valley time.

Here’s the roll call of work by our UMass psycholinguist family at AMLaP… don’t miss it!

Yujing Huang and Fernanda Ferreira present their talk, Lingering misinterpretation of garden-path sentences and structural representation, on September 4th at 10AM – 10:30AM Pioneer Valley time.

Poster #163 (September 3rd): Degrees of reanalysis in pragmatically and syntactically motivated dependencies by Maayan Keshev and Aya Meltzer-Asscher

Poster #215 (September 3rd): Do Bare Noun Intervenors Attract Less? Evidence from Agreement Attraction in Romanian by Adina Camelia Bleotu and Brian Dillon

Poster #248 (September 3rd): Polarity Illusions are Quantifier Illusions by Wesley Orth, Masaya Yoshida, and Shayne Sloggett

Poster #276 (September 3rd): Thematic roles’ alignment with grammatical functions facilitates sentence processing by Michael Wilson and Brian Dillon

Poster #320 (September 3rd): Semantic commitment and lexical underspecification in the Maze by John Duff, Adrian Brasoveanu, and Amanda Rysling

Poster #87 (September 4th): The effect of morphological identity and voice mismatch in VP ellipsis by Jesse Harris and Adrian Brasoveanu

Poster #95 (September 5th): Missing-verb illusion in Turkish center-embeddings? An investigation of case interference and phrase lengths by Özge Bakay and Nazik Dinçtopal Deniz

Poster #162 (September 5th): Agreement attraction in reflexive pronouns depends on subject-verb agreement by Maayan Keshev and Aya Meltzer-Asscher

Poster #193 (September 5th): Investigating phonotactic illusions with an auditory lexical decision task by Bethany Dickerson

Poster #243 (September 5th): Active antecedent search triggered by cataphors persists past the subject: evidence from Norwegian and English by Anna Giskes and Dave Kush

Poster #288 (September 5th): Untangling neural responses to implicit phrasing and meter in children’s poetry by Ahren Fitzroy and Mara Breen

Poster #289 (September 5th): Scratching your tête over code switched idioms: Evidence from eye movement measures of reading by Marco S. G. Senaldi, Junyan Wei, Jason Gullifer and Debra Titone