The 45th Annual Boston University Child Language Development conference will take place virtually 11/6 to 11/8. The conference is FREE to student participants, and $60 for non-student participants: You can register here.
The full conference schedule is here. The conference will feature keynote presentations from Michael Frank and Adele Goldberg. In addition, a number of UMass students, alumni, professors and LARC members are presenting work there, including:
- Children’s comprehension of two-level recursive possessives in Japanese and English. – D. Guerrero, T. Nakato, J. Park, T. Roepe
- The distributional learning of recursive structures. D. Li, L. Grohe, P. Schulz, C. Yang
- An acquisition path for Speech Acts in English and their interaction with negation. R. Woods, T. Roeper
- Children’s sensitivity to prosody and ostension in answers to wh-questions. B. Stoddard, J. de Villiers
- Exhaustive pairing errors in passives. J. Kisjes, B. Hollebrandse, A. van Hout
- Iconic sentences are not always easier: Evidence from bilingual German-Greek children. C. Makrodimitris, P. Schulz
- “Small big flowers” or “small and big flowers”? Simple is better and roll-up is too complex for Romanian 5-year-olds. A. C. Bleotu, T. Roeper