UMass linguists present at (virtual) AMLaP

The Université de Paris is virtually hosting the 2021 Architectures and Mechanisms in Language Processing conference, September 2-4th. Registration is free for students, and 25 euros for non students.

UMass linguists and alumni are well represented among the talks at the conference, including:

Alexander Göbel and Michael Wagner: Syntactic and Prosodic Factors in the Interpretation of Ambiguous ‘at Least’ 

Dustin Chacón, Subhekshya Shrestha, Brian Dillon, Rajesh Bhatt, Diogo Almeida, and Alec Marantz: Paying Attention to Agreement: RTPJ Aids the Encoding of Agreement in Hindi 

Nayoun Kim, Keir Moulton and Daphna Heller: Subject-object Asymmetries Are Not Specific to Dependency-formation: Evidence from Korean 

Adina Camelia Bleotu and Brian Dillon: On the Multiple Mechanisms of Agreement Attraction: Evidence from Romanian 

Anissa Neal, Brian Dillon, Dustin Chacón, and Maayan Keshev: Plausible Plausibility: Replicating the Plausibility Mismatch Effect 

Jed Pizarro-Guevara and Brian Dillon: The Influence of Word Order in Reflexive Processing: Insights from Tagalog 

Duygu Goksu, Brian Dillon, and Shota Momma: When Syntactic Complexity Shifts the Subject Preference in an SOV Language: Processing [OV]S vs. [SV]O Sentences in Turkish 

Katy Carlson and David Potter: Where Accents Do, and Do Not, Affect Attachment 

Congratulations, UMass linguists!